Thursday 21 April 2016

Question 3 -What have you learned from your audience feedback?

I asked my target audience for feedback. My target audience I asked were females aged 17-18 which was perfect for my target audience as my target audience was aimed at mainly females aged 15 +.

 I have learned from my feedback that my audience liked the face manipulation I used within my products. They also liked the colour scheme as they think that it helped define the genre of my film. I also learnt that my audience did not think that my font did not stand out enough and thought that some of my fonts should be bolder so that they stand out more.

My feedback made me change the work I was doing as I changed my fonts so that they were bolder and so that they stood out more and were more eye-catching. The feedback I received also made me change my work as I played around more with facial manipulation and manipulating the colours and styles of my work as I learned from my feedback that my audience like this style and type of image.

If I could do this project again with the feedback I have received, I would change all of my fonts and all of my current and previous products so that they were bolder and would stand out more and catch my audiences attention. I would have also been more risky with my previous products and played around more with different colours and facial manipulation.

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