Thursday 17 September 2015

Verbal feedback post - Mr Farr

For my shot list I need to explain what will be happening in the shot,what characters I will be using and I need to make my explanations more detailed.

For my post about the actors in my trailer I need to upload photos of what my makeup and costumes looked like for my actors,explain what my actors look like,explain why I chose my actors and explain what my actors will be doing in my trailer.

For my post about my script I need to change my dialouge to italics so that the dialouge stands out from the stage directions and the rest of my script.I should also put important information in my script in bold.

For my post about my target audience I need to explain who my primary and secondary audience will be.I also need to add images of what I imagine my primary audience will look like.

I need to write a short narrative outline of what my narrative for my trailer is.

I need to put my blog posts in order.

Traget audience questionnaire and results

Thursday 10 September 2015

analysis of 2 movie magazine front covers.

Analysis of a film poster,a dvd cover and a film trailer - Scream

Analysis of Scream's movie trailer -
Scream's movie trailer uses a lot of intertitles in its trailer.This would be classed as editing.The intertitles say stuff such as "don't try to hide" or "don't answer phone".This makes the audience of the trailer feel like they are engaging with the film.The trailer also uses a lot of jump cuts to show the many different scenes in the film and the different characters in the film.The film trailer uses the jump cuts to show all the drama in the film.The film trailer also uses quite a lot of establishing and panorama shots to establish and show the setting of the film.The film also uses a lot of  diegetic sound as a lot of the characters in the trailer are talking,crying or screaming.The trailer also uses non-diegetic sound such as police car sirens.The mise-en-scene of the trailer shows that the film is set in a high school which is a convention and a typical setting for a slasher film.

Analysis of a film poster,a dvd cover and a movie trailer - The Conjuring

The conjuring film trailer analysis -
The conjuring trailer at the start of the film uses a editing technique to make the film look old and make the film look like it was filmed on an old fashioned camera.The trailer also uses intertitles.intertitles. For example one of the intertitles says "based on the true story of the warrens",this is to make the trailer scarier.The trailer uses close up shots to show the emotion of the characters.The trailer also uses an establishing shot to show the films setting.The mise-en-scene of the film shows that the film is set in an old fashioned,scary looking house which is the usual setting for a horror film based on ghosts.

Sunday 6 September 2015

Summer Project - Brainstorm

Summer Project - Potential Movies (3 Ideas)

The Book (Idea One) - 

The genre for this potential movie is a horror fantasy.The location of this potential movie would be somewhere outdoors such as a garden or a forest.The costumes that the actors in my movie would be wearing would be a little red riding hood costume,an Alice in wonderland queen of hearts costume and a casual teenage outfit such as a t-shirt,jeans and trainers.The props I would use for this movie would be books and a sign.The age rating I would rate this movie as would be a fifteen as the movie would be quite scary and may disturb viewers aged younger than fifteen.There will be 4 characters in my movie.The characters I would have in this movie would be a teenage girl who would be the damsel.The teenage girl would be the damsel as in the end of the movie she ends up getting killed.I would also have Little Red Riding Hood who would be a sidekick in the movie.Little Red Riding Hood would be a sidekick as she is only in the movie for a short amount of time and does not say/do anything important.I would also have another sidekick in my movie who would be the Queen of hearts,however the queen of hearts would also be a villain as she says "off with your head" to the teenage girl.I would also have the murderer at the end of my book who would be a villain and an antagonist as the murderer is an evil/bad role.

The plot outline for The Book - 

A 16 year old girl realises she can read out the names of characters from books and bring them to life.She finds this out as she reads out the name of Little Red Riding Hood and and Little Red Riding Hood skips past her in the forest.She then reads out the name of her favorite character from the book Alice in wonderland and the queen of hearts walks past her and shouts "off with her head". The girl is then shocked and trips over a large rock and passes out.When the girl wakes up there is a sign next to her saying "read me",she then looks down and sees a book.The girl discovers that this book is a book about her life.The girl begins to read the book and learns how her family dies,she carry's on reading the book and at the end of the book the girl reads out the name of the person who murders her and the murderer appears in front of her. 

Locked In (Idea 2) - 

The genre for this potential movie is horror.The location for this movie will be a forest and a house.The costume the actors in this movie would wear would be causal outfits that an average teenager would wear such as t-shirts,jeans and trainers.The props I would use in this movie would be a car and a mobile phone.The age rating I would rate this movie would be a fifteen. would rate this movie as a fifteen as the movie would be quite scary and may disturb viewers aged younger than fifteen.There will be six characters in my movie.The characters in my movie will be the five teenage friends and the one murderer.four of the teenagers will be damsels as they are the teenagers that will be in danger and these four teenagers will also be the murder victims.One of the teenage friends will be a protagonist and a hero as this friend will try and help the other injured friends and will try and stop the murderer.The last character will be the murderer who will be a villain and an antagonist as this character murders the teenagers and is an evil/bad character.

The plot outline for Locked In - 

A group of teenagers decide to go on a camping trip.On the way to their destination the teenagers car breaks down outside a forest.The teenagers try to call somebody out to fix the car but none of the teenagers have signal on their phones.As the teenagers cant call for any help,the teenagers decide to leave the car and go search for help.While the teenagers are searching for help they come across an old,spooky looking house.The teenagers knock on the door of the house but nobody answers,just as the teenagers are about to leave one of the teenagers notice that the door is unlocked.The teenagers enter the house but as soon as they enter the door automatically locks behind them and they cant open the door.The teenagers quickly find out that the home belongs to a murderer and have to find a way to escape the house before they are murdered.

Lights Off (Idea 3) - 

The genre for this potential movie is horror.The location for this movie will be in a house.The costumes the actors in this movie will wear would be be causal outfits that an average teenager would wear such as t-shirts,jeans and trainers.The props I will use for this movie will be a watch,I will have a watch as the props as the teenagers will be checking the time in the movie.The age rating I would rate this movie would be a fifteen. would rate this movie as a fifteen as the movie would be quite scary and may disturb viewers aged younger than fifteen.There will be four characters in my movie.The characters in my movie will be four teenage friends.Three of the teenagers will be damsels and one of the teenagers will be a hero.The three teenagers will be damsels as two of the teenagers will be murdered and the third teenager will be badly injured.The fourth teenager will be a hero as this teenager will help the third injured teenager and help them both escape.

The plot outline for Lights Off - 

A group of teenagers go to visit an old,abandoned haunted house,when the teenagers get their they decide to sleep over at the haunted house to see if anything scary happens.Once the clock turns midnight,scary ,supernatural stuff starts to happen.As the teenagers start getting more scared,scarier stuff starts to happen.Later on that night the lights in the house turn off,the teenagers hear a scream and when the lights turn back on one of their friends is dead.Later on the lights turn off again and the same thing happens again.The teenagers soon realise that every time the lights turns off,somebody dies.The teenagers must escape the haunted house before another one of them die.

Saturday 5 September 2015

Summer Project - Potential target audience

Potential Target Audience 

The potential target audience for my production will be both males and females.I have chosen to choose males and females for my potential target audience as both males and females enjoy watching films.I have chosen the age of my potential target audience to be fifteen years old and older,I have chosen my potential target audience to be fifteen years old and older as I think that my film would be classified as a fifteen by the BBFC meaning that anybody watching my film would have to be fifteen or over the age of fifteen therefore my target audience will have to be fifteen or over the age of fifteen.My potential target audience will have an interest in watching films.My potential audience would especially have an interest in watching horror films as my film will be a horror film.My potential target audience would also have an interest in going to the cinema and would be interested  in watching all the newest films that the cinema has to offer.My potential target audience will be from all different levels of the Jicnar scale as I think that people from all different social classes would have an interest in watching films and my film.However,I think that my film would attract and interest more people from middle class and lower class backgrounds as I think it would interest them more as they are probably used to watching films and going to the cinema more than people from higher class backgrounds.I also think that my film would attract people from lower class backgrounds as going to the cinema is a cheap activity meaning that people from lower class backgrounds with less money could afford to visit the cinema and watch my film.I also think that a lot of people from the social grade 'E' of the Jicnar Scale would watch my film as those in social grade 'E' would most likely be students earning little money or not earning money.I think that my film would attract a lot of people from social grade 'E' as they would most likely be students and my potential target audience would be mostly students.

Primary and secondary audience - 

My primary audience will be people aged 15 - 24 years old.My primary audience will be students,people on apprenticeships and people in there early years of their careers.

My secondary audience will be 25 - 50.My secondary audience will be people with more disposable incomes and will be higher on the Jicnar scale.

My target audience (primary and secondary) will be aimed more at males as I think that males like to watch horror films more than females do.Therefore,my target audience is aimed at 60% males and 40% females.

My primary audience may look like this:

Potential target audience in demographics,pyschographics and lifestyle - 

Demographics -
Age - 15+       Gender - Male or Female     Race - Any    Education - any however,my potential target audience will mainly be  middle class and lower class        Income Level - My potential target audience will be mainly students so my potential target audience will have a minimal income level as most students earn minimum wage or no income level.However,older people who are earning more money may also want to watch my film so my potential target audience may have a higher income level.

Pyschographics -
Attitudes - My potential target audience will have a positive attitude towards films as my potential target audience will enjoy films and will like to watch films.

Values - My potential target audience will be mainly students and young people,young people's values will include their friends,their family,gadgets and other items teenagers use a lot.

Lifestyle -
As my potential target audience will be mainly students or young adults,the lifestyle my audience will have will be a lifestyle where they are working or studying a lot as many young adults in my audience may have a full time job and the students will be studying full time and may have a part time job as-well as studying.My potential target audience will be mostly average teenagers so the teenagers will live a lifestyle where they like to hang out with their friends a lot and will use a lot of gadgets such as mobile phones,I phones,I pods and laptops.My audience will also use social media a lot.

Tuesday 1 September 2015

Evaluation of the preliminary activity

Evaluation of the preliminary activity.

While doing my preliminary task,I have learnt how to do many new things.I have learnt how to use a video camera correctly,I have learnt how to use and how to set up a tripod,I have learnt how to use iMovie to edit and also make my trailer.I have also learnt how to make inter titles for my trailer using Adobe Fireworks.

The equipment I used to make my trailer was a video camera,a tripod,iMovie,YouTube and Adobe Fireworks.For pre-production I planned what I was going to do in my teaser trailer.For example I wrote a script for my trailer as to what my characters were going to say in my trailer and what was going to happen in my teaser trailer.I also planned out the order of my scenes.I also planned the makeup,costumes and props my characters were going to use and wear,I also planned what sound effects and sound tracks I would use in my trailer before making my teaser trailer.I also planned the actors I was using in my teaser trailer and planned which actor would be which character.I also planned the shot list I would use for my teaser trailer and I also wrote instructions on how to set up a tripod and the camera so I would be ready to start filming and so that I could refer to my instructions if I had any problems setting up my tripod or camera.Also for pre-production I took pictures with the shot list I planned for my trailer to see how my shots would look and I also filmed some footage before filming my final teaser trailer to make sure I got the shots right and that my final teaser trailer would be exactly how I wanted it.In post-production after I filmed my trailer,I edited my teaser trailer footage to make it look more professional and more scary as it was a horror film.I did this by adding a soundtrack and sound effects and special editing effects.The sound effects I used was a scream and a loud bang at the end of my trailer.The special editing effects I used on my teaser trailer were black and white effects,I also edited the brightness of my footage to be a lot darker as my footage was filmed in daylight and didn't match the genre I wanted as the stereotype of horror films and trailers is that the footage is normally dark or filmed at night time therefore I wanted my footage to look darker so it would look scarier and more like my intended genre.I also edited my footage in post-production by adding my inter titles.

I used iMovie to edit my footage.I used iMovie to upload my footage and cut the footage I didn't want out of my teaser trailer and edit the length of my trailer.I also used iMovie to add my soundtrack and sound effects to my trailer.I also used iMovie to add my black and white effects and edit the brightness of my footage as I wanted my footage to be darker.I used You Tube to find my sound tracks and sound effects so that I could add them to my footage.I also used You Tube to upload my finished trailer so that I could add my trailer to my blog.I used Adobe Fireworks to make my inter titles.I then added my inter titles to my footage via iMovie.

In my trailer,I think that I have edited the footage well together as all my footage goes well together and it is in the correct order.I also think I edited the colour of my footage well as I wanted my footage to be dark but not too dark and I think I have done that.I also think that the sound track and sound effects I have used go well with my footage and I think it suits my trailer well.I also think that my inter titles are good as I have used rhetorical questions to make my audience think and I have included a company and I have also said when my film will be released in the last inter title.Everybody I have showed my trailer too have said its really good and were impressed by my trailer.The people I have shown my trailer were my target audience as they were aged fifteen and older.

I could improve my trailer by filming better footage.Some of my footage was not great as it was sometimes hard to hear my actors,for example in the first scene Elly is mumbling and talking very fast so it is hard to understand what she is saying.I could also improve my trailer by adding more information to my last inter title which shows the information of my actors,companies used and release date.Next time I will make it better by making sure my footage and sound is clear and of better quality.I will also make my trailer better next time by changing my inter titles and being more specific,next time I will give a more specific release date and more company names as I only mentioned one company name.I also didn't mention any social media in my inter titles relating to my trailer therefore I would mention social media and how my audience can react with my trailer in my next intertitles.I will give a website URL,a twitter hashtag and a Facebook page name.