Tuesday 1 September 2015

Evaluation of the preliminary activity

Evaluation of the preliminary activity.

While doing my preliminary task,I have learnt how to do many new things.I have learnt how to use a video camera correctly,I have learnt how to use and how to set up a tripod,I have learnt how to use iMovie to edit and also make my trailer.I have also learnt how to make inter titles for my trailer using Adobe Fireworks.

The equipment I used to make my trailer was a video camera,a tripod,iMovie,YouTube and Adobe Fireworks.For pre-production I planned what I was going to do in my teaser trailer.For example I wrote a script for my trailer as to what my characters were going to say in my trailer and what was going to happen in my teaser trailer.I also planned out the order of my scenes.I also planned the makeup,costumes and props my characters were going to use and wear,I also planned what sound effects and sound tracks I would use in my trailer before making my teaser trailer.I also planned the actors I was using in my teaser trailer and planned which actor would be which character.I also planned the shot list I would use for my teaser trailer and I also wrote instructions on how to set up a tripod and the camera so I would be ready to start filming and so that I could refer to my instructions if I had any problems setting up my tripod or camera.Also for pre-production I took pictures with the shot list I planned for my trailer to see how my shots would look and I also filmed some footage before filming my final teaser trailer to make sure I got the shots right and that my final teaser trailer would be exactly how I wanted it.In post-production after I filmed my trailer,I edited my teaser trailer footage to make it look more professional and more scary as it was a horror film.I did this by adding a soundtrack and sound effects and special editing effects.The sound effects I used was a scream and a loud bang at the end of my trailer.The special editing effects I used on my teaser trailer were black and white effects,I also edited the brightness of my footage to be a lot darker as my footage was filmed in daylight and didn't match the genre I wanted as the stereotype of horror films and trailers is that the footage is normally dark or filmed at night time therefore I wanted my footage to look darker so it would look scarier and more like my intended genre.I also edited my footage in post-production by adding my inter titles.

I used iMovie to edit my footage.I used iMovie to upload my footage and cut the footage I didn't want out of my teaser trailer and edit the length of my trailer.I also used iMovie to add my soundtrack and sound effects to my trailer.I also used iMovie to add my black and white effects and edit the brightness of my footage as I wanted my footage to be darker.I used You Tube to find my sound tracks and sound effects so that I could add them to my footage.I also used You Tube to upload my finished trailer so that I could add my trailer to my blog.I used Adobe Fireworks to make my inter titles.I then added my inter titles to my footage via iMovie.

In my trailer,I think that I have edited the footage well together as all my footage goes well together and it is in the correct order.I also think I edited the colour of my footage well as I wanted my footage to be dark but not too dark and I think I have done that.I also think that the sound track and sound effects I have used go well with my footage and I think it suits my trailer well.I also think that my inter titles are good as I have used rhetorical questions to make my audience think and I have included a company and I have also said when my film will be released in the last inter title.Everybody I have showed my trailer too have said its really good and were impressed by my trailer.The people I have shown my trailer were my target audience as they were aged fifteen and older.

I could improve my trailer by filming better footage.Some of my footage was not great as it was sometimes hard to hear my actors,for example in the first scene Elly is mumbling and talking very fast so it is hard to understand what she is saying.I could also improve my trailer by adding more information to my last inter title which shows the information of my actors,companies used and release date.Next time I will make it better by making sure my footage and sound is clear and of better quality.I will also make my trailer better next time by changing my inter titles and being more specific,next time I will give a more specific release date and more company names as I only mentioned one company name.I also didn't mention any social media in my inter titles relating to my trailer therefore I would mention social media and how my audience can react with my trailer in my next intertitles.I will give a website URL,a twitter hashtag and a Facebook page name.

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