Thursday 17 September 2015

Verbal feedback post - Mr Farr

For my shot list I need to explain what will be happening in the shot,what characters I will be using and I need to make my explanations more detailed.

For my post about the actors in my trailer I need to upload photos of what my makeup and costumes looked like for my actors,explain what my actors look like,explain why I chose my actors and explain what my actors will be doing in my trailer.

For my post about my script I need to change my dialouge to italics so that the dialouge stands out from the stage directions and the rest of my script.I should also put important information in my script in bold.

For my post about my target audience I need to explain who my primary and secondary audience will be.I also need to add images of what I imagine my primary audience will look like.

I need to write a short narrative outline of what my narrative for my trailer is.

I need to put my blog posts in order.

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