Tuesday 24 November 2015

Research for filming our trailer

Timing - 
As we are filming in the evening we needed to research the time that the sun sets. We do not want to film at night as it would be too dark and we wouldn't be able to film anything as it would be too dark to see our footage. Therefore, we have chose to film our footage at sunset time as this will be when it starts to get dark and it will still be dark enough to set the atmosphere for our trailer but it will not be too dark that you won't be able to see our footage. We will also be filming in the daytime around lunchtime as this will be when young Eden will be playing in the park with her parents, it will be set in the daytime as this is when children normally go to the park to play.

Planning for filming - 
We have uploaded screenshots and voice recordings to show how we planned to film. Our screenshots and voice recordings show us arranging with our actors when and where to film.
Makeup -
For 'normal' Eden, we will be using makeup that teenage girls would wear daily but with a darker twist as Eden likes darker things. For example we would have Eden's character wearing foundation, mascara and lipstick. However, we will also add eyeliner and a dark shade of eye shadow to make Eden's look darker as she likes dark things.

For 'Evil' Eden, we will also be using the same makeup look that teenage girls would wear daily however, we would make the look a lot more gothic and darker than 'normal' Eden's look. To complete the look, we will complete 'evil' Eden's look by making evil Eden wear a very dark eye shadow shade such as black or dark grey, we will also have Eden wearing a lot of eyeliner to make her eyes look even darker. We will also have Eden wearing a dark shade of lipstick. We will also use special FX makeup by gluing pieces of thread across Eden's mouth to look as if her mouth is sewed together. We will use smudges makeup underneath Eden's eyes to make it look like she has been crying, this is a connotation to show that Eden is upset or depressed. We will use a dark red lipstick for evil Eden's character to wear as dark red lipstick  is dark enough to give Eden a gothic look however, it is light enough to show the special FX makeup of Eden's sewn up lips.


The makeup we will use for the group of teenage girls and Tiffany will be a makeup look that most teenage girls would wear daily however, these girls will have a more 'girly' look than Eden therefore, instead of wearing dark shades of makeup the girls will be wearing lighter shades such as pink lipstick and eye shadow. The girls and Tiffany will also be wearing eyeliner.

The makeup we will use for Eden's mum Tracy will be a makeup look that an older female may wear such as a lighter style of makeup and maybe not a full face of makeup. Eden's mums character will be wearing mascara, eye shadow and lipstick and maybe a little bit of foundation.

We will not use any makeup for young Eden as this character is a child and children don't usually wear makeup.

Hairstyles - 
'Evil' Eden and 'normal' Eden's hairstyles will be a natural hairstyle without being styled. Therefore, Eden's character will have the same hairstyle as our actor for Eden which is a short, curly hairstyle.

However, we will we make 'evil' Eden's hair messier by backcombing it, we are using evil Eden's messy hair as a connotation for a struggle to show Eden's struggle with her self.

The hairstyles the teenage girls will be wearing will be a mix of their natural hairstyles and styled hairstyles. Some of the girls may have styled hair such as straightened hair and some will have their  natural hairstyle.

     styled                        natural

Tiffany will have a styled hairstyle, she will have a hairstyle of long, straight blonde hair.

The hairstyle that Tracy will have will be a short, straight hairstyle that curls into her face. This will be a 1950's style hairstyle which will match her look as she dresses in 1950's style clothes.

The hairstyle that Jonathan will have will be short, greying, black hair. His haircut will resemble a haircut of which an average middle aged man would have.

The hairstyle young Eden will be wearing will be her hair will be in two low ponytails, her hair will be curly and the ponytails will be tied up in ribbons that will be matching the colour of her dress,

Here are some texts showing us arrange with our actors when and where we can film:

here are more  screenshots to show how we planned to film. Our screenshots show us arranging with our actors when and where to film: 

Feedback Form - Mr Farr

Tuesday 17 November 2015

Location for 'Bottled Up'

For our trailer for 'Bottled Up' we will be using several different locations. One of the locations we will be using for our trailer will be a forest. We will be using a forest for one of our locations as a forest is remote, isolated and usually dark. A forest may be a semantic element of horror films as its conventions fit in with a horror film and this location is used a lot in horror films. As a forest is dark or usually dimly lit, this will help give our trailer a scary atmosphere. We will use a modern looking house to film the sleepover and the film where Eden is told about her fathers death. We will be using a modern looking house as the trailer is set in present times so we will use a house which looks like a typical house that people may own or live in now. We have also used a house as a setting to create a sense of realism to the audience. We will use low key lighting in the house to create an eerie and dramatic effect. Although the house setting will be modern, we will use an old fashioned creepy looking bathroom for the scene of 'normal' Eden changing into 'Evil' Eden. We will also then use flashing lights to create a dramatic and effective scene for our audience. Our last location will be a school. We will use a school to create a sense of realism to our audience. We will also use the school location to show how Eden is a normal teenager who is a student who has to go to school and get on with everyday life despite her troubles. This helps the audience relate with Eden.

Shot list for 'Bottled Up'

Key Scenes for 'Bottled Up'

Monday 9 November 2015

Treatment for trailer production

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Booklet Work - Mr Farr

The purpose of a trailer - 

  • To make people want to see a film
  • To present a narrative image of a film
  •  To offer a promise of what the film will deliver to their audiences 
  • To offer the audience a glimpse of the trailer to see if the audience will find the film pleasurable
  • To see what sets the film apart from other films released with the same genre/sub genre 
  • To see who stars in the film
  • To see innovative special effects
  • To see the director, producer or the writer of the film
  • Reflects what people might expect to see
  • To excite an audience
  • The trailer gives a sense of the genre. it tells us what the film is about, who is in the film and when the film is coming out.

  • Target Audience of a trailer - 

  • Although the trailer is aimed at a specific target audience, the distributor of the film/trailer will always try to attract a wider range of people as possible. The trailer may appeal to more than just the target audience
What the trailer is - 
  • A trailer is a combination of moving images, graphics and voiceovers to give audiences a sense of the narrative image of the film

Monday 19 October 2015

Moodboard, Production Names and Logo Design

This is a mood board we created after researching production names. We researched production names so that we could get inspiration for our own production name and to make sure we did not have the same production name as anybody else.

This is our logo design. We have chose this design for our logo as the logo suits are film genre. As the film genre we have chose is a horror film, we have chosen to use dark colours in our logo. however, we have also used a lighter colour for our font to make out font stand out against our dark background colours. We decided to use a black background as any other colour we decided to use would stand out against it and the colour black is associated with  horror films and death therefore it suits our genre. We also decided to use red in our logo as red is also associated with horror films swell as being associated with blood which is a typical semantic element in horror films. The straight red lines are meant to represent slashes which is meant to also represent the name of our production company. We have also chose to add 3 rectangle shapes in the middle of our logo, however, the shapes cut off diagonally. The shapes are meant to be a connotation for a knife as the point on the rectangle shapes look similar to a knife. We have decided to put a shadow effect on our shapes to give them a more eery and scary effect. We want to give our logo a scary effect so that it matches our genre because our genre is horror and horror films are scary. We have decided to  spread out our letters of our title by kerning the letters so that our text stands out. We have decided to use this font for our text because this text is easy to read and the text is clear. We have decided to name our production company 'Slasher Studios' because 'Slasher' is a type of horror film and our genre is horror. We have also decided to use the production name of 'Slasher Studios' because our genre is a mix between a psychological horror and a slasher horror there fore the name fits the genre.

Our ideas for production names:
Slasher Studios
Blood Moon
Fugal Films
Shadow Studio
Horror House Entertainment
Black Hole Studios
Insomnia Studios
Acid Rain Entertainment

Audience feedback on idea

Thursday 15 October 2015

Final Narrative

At the start of the story, the story is in its equilibrium stage and everything is happy. The film will show a young girl named Eden with her parents Tracy and Jonathan. Eden will be on a swing being pushed by her father. This scene will also show Eden playing with her parents, she will be playing hide and seek and Eden and her parents will be chasing each other and skipping. This will show Eden's relationship with her family before the 'incident' and before her fathers death.  The next scene shows Eden's parents arguing, Eden starts crying and Eden's father punches Eden calling her weak. The scene then shows Eden as a teenager with a changed personality. Eden is a teenager who enjoys rock music and likes dark things. Eden bottles up her emotions and hides her feelings so that she can't be called weak again. One night Eden's dad is on his way home from work and is involved in a car crash. Eden's mum explains what has happened to Eden's father to Eden. Eden's mum is shocked by Eden's reaction as Eden does not show an emotion whatsoever and carry on with life. Eden does not want to show emotion and disappoint her dad by being 'weak' and showing weakness. Soon after this, Eden's mental health deteriors and Eden starts losing time in her dyad not knowing what has happened during these time periods. This worries Eden. Eden's mental health takes a sinister turn when she wakes up in a forrest covered in blood with no recognition of how she got there or what has happened. Every time Eden wakes up with no idea where she is or what ha happened to her, she seems to have a new possession such as a necklace, a phone, a purse or a watch. The next scene shows the moments before this happened and why Eden has ended up in the forrest. The scenes show Eden's mum arranging a sleepover between Eden and her friends daughter and the daughter's friends. Eden's mum does this as she sees Eden as an outcast and she wants Eden to make friends with these girls.  At this sleepover, Eden watches her first horror movie which interests Eden and triggers Eden's mental health illnesses.  Eden's mental health illnesses are schizophrenia and a personality disorder. After the film, the girls play a game and use this game as an excuse to tease and humiliate Eden. Eden gets angry and goes to the kitchen, finds a knife and murders all of the girls except one 'final girl'. The scene then goes back to the scene of Eden lying in a forrest covered in blood, Eden then sits up and sees the 'final girl' standing in front of her holding a knife. The 'final girl' then kills Eden. The 'final girl' kills Eden out of an act of revenge and rage as Eden killed all of her friends.

Me and my team member Beth - Anne have looked at both of our ideas and we have decided to combine ideas and conventions from both of our narratives. Our film genre will be a horror film however, our main sub - genre will be a psychological horror. However, we have added aspects and conventions of a slasher horror which was my sub - genre into our film. The conventions we have used from a slasher film are the group of teenage friends, the murder victims get killed with a knife, the characters get killed one by one, there is a 'final girl' and the 'final girl' kills the murderer.

Wednesday 14 October 2015

Questions for feedback on my pitch

My questions for my audience after I have shown my audience my pitch: 

  • Which idea out of mine and Beth-Anne's did you like best and why?

  • Which movie out of mine and Beth-Anne's idea are you most likely to watch?

  •  Which idea is better suited to the age range of teenagers aged 15 and older? 

  • What part of my pitch caught your attention?
            -   The characters 
            -    The narrative / plot
            -     The make up ideas 
            -      The costume ideas 
            -       Other _________

  • What would make the narrative / plot of my film better? 

  • What would help make my film more engaging and better suited to my genre? (my genre is a slasher horror)

I am using Survey Monkey to ask my audience my questions. I will be asking five people my questions.

Thursday 1 October 2015

Developing a detailed idea for my production

The narrative and plot outline for my production - 
A group of teenagers decide to go on a camping trip.On their way to their destination of their camping trip,the teenagers car breaks down outside a forest in an isolated place.The teenagers try to call somebody for help to come and fix their car but none of the teenagers can get any signal on their phone's. As the teenagers can't call anybody for help,they decide to leave the car and go to search for help. While the teenagers are searching for help, they come across an old,scary looking house.The teenagers knock on the door of the house but nobody answers.Just as the teenagers are about to leave and go back to the car, the teenagers notice that the door is actually unlocked. The teenagers enter the house but as soon as they enter the house,the door behind them locks and they cant open the door. The teenagers look round the house and quickly realize that the house belongs to a murderer after finding several shocking discovery's such as murder weapons and images of murders. The teenagers have to find a way to escape out of the house before they are all murdered.There are five teenage friends and they all split up as they are all trying to find a way out of the house.While the teenagers split up,the murderer try's to kill each teenager one by one.The murderer manages to kill three of the teenagers.The murderer also manages to badly injure the fourth teenager however,the fifth and final teenager comes to the rescue and murders the murderer and manages to save the fourth teenager before he dies.

Character Types - 
Four of the teenagers will be damsels because three of the teenagers get killed and die and the fourth teenager gets badly injured and nearly dies.
The fifth and final teenager will be the hero and the protagonist because this teenager kills the killer and saves the fourth teenager that is badly injured.
The final character which is the murderer is the villain and the antagonist because this is an evil character that kills the teenagers.

Codes and Conventions - 
The codes and conventions that my film will have will be the typical codes and conventions of a slasher horror film.The codes,conventions and semantic elements my film will have will be blood,a knife as the murder weapon,dark colors,set at night,the film will be set in a forest and an old,isolated house in an isolated area,the fifth and final teenager will be a girl and will be the typical 'final girl' character that is in slasher films,the killer will be masked,the killer will be male,an unknown killer,there will be a group of friends and each character gets killed off one by one.My film will also include syntactic elements of fear and rage as the teenagers will represent fear as they'll be in fear of getting killed and will be in fear while getting killed.There will also be rage included in my film as the murderer will be killing the teenagers with rage and there will be rage when the 'final girl' kills the killer.There will also be revenge as the 'final girl' kills murderer because the killer kills most of her friends.My film will also include syntactic elements as the plot outline for my production follows the typical slasher film plot outline of a group of teenage friends going on a trip and the friends get murdered one by one by a masked killer either for revenge or by rage.The 'final girl' is left and the 'final girl' kills the killer.

Genre and Name - 
The genre my film is a horror and the type of horror film my film is is a slasher horror film.The name of my film will be called 'Locked In'.I have named my film this as the group of friends are locked in the house.The locations I will use for my film will be a forest and a house in an isolated area.

Main Characters - 
The main characters in my film will be the murderer,the 'final girl' and the survivor.The 'final girl' and the survivor will be part of the teenage group of friends.The teenage group of friends would be of middle class status on the jicnar scale as I want my audience to relate to them and I am aiming this film mainly at middle class teenagers.The costumes the survivor and the 'final girl' will be wearing casual outfits that an average teenager would be wearing such as a t-shirt,jeans and trainers.I have decided to use casual outfits for my teenage characters as again I want my audience to relate with the characters and I feel that if I use outfits that most teenagers wear then my audience will relate better to the characters as the characters will be like my audience.The genders my characters will be will be two males and a female.The murderer will be male as the killer in the majority of slasher films is male so I want to stick to the typical slasher film conventions.The survivor will also be male.The final girl will be female as the last remaining survivor who kills the killer in slasher films is usually female and I want to stick to the conventions of a typical slasher film.The age of my characters will be teenagers and unknown.The teenagers will be aged 17-18 and the murderers age will be unknown as the killer in slasher films is usually unknown and I want to follow the conventions of a typical slasher film and keep the killer as unknown.

Props -
The props I will be using in my film will be several mobile phones and a car.

Narrative of preliminary task

In the trailer,Elly will be walking through the Forrest on her phone. Elly is walking through the Forrest while Leah is watching and following Elly. While Elly is walking,she hears a noise behind her and turns around to see Leah behind her. Elly freezes and Leah walks up to her.The nest thing the trailer shows is Elly coughing up blood after Leah has murdered her and the final scenes of the trailer show Leah picking up the camera and staring into the camera.


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