Thursday 1 October 2015

Developing a detailed idea for my production

The narrative and plot outline for my production - 
A group of teenagers decide to go on a camping trip.On their way to their destination of their camping trip,the teenagers car breaks down outside a forest in an isolated place.The teenagers try to call somebody for help to come and fix their car but none of the teenagers can get any signal on their phone's. As the teenagers can't call anybody for help,they decide to leave the car and go to search for help. While the teenagers are searching for help, they come across an old,scary looking house.The teenagers knock on the door of the house but nobody answers.Just as the teenagers are about to leave and go back to the car, the teenagers notice that the door is actually unlocked. The teenagers enter the house but as soon as they enter the house,the door behind them locks and they cant open the door. The teenagers look round the house and quickly realize that the house belongs to a murderer after finding several shocking discovery's such as murder weapons and images of murders. The teenagers have to find a way to escape out of the house before they are all murdered.There are five teenage friends and they all split up as they are all trying to find a way out of the house.While the teenagers split up,the murderer try's to kill each teenager one by one.The murderer manages to kill three of the teenagers.The murderer also manages to badly injure the fourth teenager however,the fifth and final teenager comes to the rescue and murders the murderer and manages to save the fourth teenager before he dies.

Character Types - 
Four of the teenagers will be damsels because three of the teenagers get killed and die and the fourth teenager gets badly injured and nearly dies.
The fifth and final teenager will be the hero and the protagonist because this teenager kills the killer and saves the fourth teenager that is badly injured.
The final character which is the murderer is the villain and the antagonist because this is an evil character that kills the teenagers.

Codes and Conventions - 
The codes and conventions that my film will have will be the typical codes and conventions of a slasher horror film.The codes,conventions and semantic elements my film will have will be blood,a knife as the murder weapon,dark colors,set at night,the film will be set in a forest and an old,isolated house in an isolated area,the fifth and final teenager will be a girl and will be the typical 'final girl' character that is in slasher films,the killer will be masked,the killer will be male,an unknown killer,there will be a group of friends and each character gets killed off one by one.My film will also include syntactic elements of fear and rage as the teenagers will represent fear as they'll be in fear of getting killed and will be in fear while getting killed.There will also be rage included in my film as the murderer will be killing the teenagers with rage and there will be rage when the 'final girl' kills the killer.There will also be revenge as the 'final girl' kills murderer because the killer kills most of her friends.My film will also include syntactic elements as the plot outline for my production follows the typical slasher film plot outline of a group of teenage friends going on a trip and the friends get murdered one by one by a masked killer either for revenge or by rage.The 'final girl' is left and the 'final girl' kills the killer.

Genre and Name - 
The genre my film is a horror and the type of horror film my film is is a slasher horror film.The name of my film will be called 'Locked In'.I have named my film this as the group of friends are locked in the house.The locations I will use for my film will be a forest and a house in an isolated area.

Main Characters - 
The main characters in my film will be the murderer,the 'final girl' and the survivor.The 'final girl' and the survivor will be part of the teenage group of friends.The teenage group of friends would be of middle class status on the jicnar scale as I want my audience to relate to them and I am aiming this film mainly at middle class teenagers.The costumes the survivor and the 'final girl' will be wearing casual outfits that an average teenager would be wearing such as a t-shirt,jeans and trainers.I have decided to use casual outfits for my teenage characters as again I want my audience to relate with the characters and I feel that if I use outfits that most teenagers wear then my audience will relate better to the characters as the characters will be like my audience.The genders my characters will be will be two males and a female.The murderer will be male as the killer in the majority of slasher films is male so I want to stick to the typical slasher film conventions.The survivor will also be male.The final girl will be female as the last remaining survivor who kills the killer in slasher films is usually female and I want to stick to the conventions of a typical slasher film.The age of my characters will be teenagers and unknown.The teenagers will be aged 17-18 and the murderers age will be unknown as the killer in slasher films is usually unknown and I want to follow the conventions of a typical slasher film and keep the killer as unknown.

Props -
The props I will be using in my film will be several mobile phones and a car.

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