Wednesday 14 October 2015

Questions for feedback on my pitch

My questions for my audience after I have shown my audience my pitch: 

  • Which idea out of mine and Beth-Anne's did you like best and why?

  • Which movie out of mine and Beth-Anne's idea are you most likely to watch?

  •  Which idea is better suited to the age range of teenagers aged 15 and older? 

  • What part of my pitch caught your attention?
            -   The characters 
            -    The narrative / plot
            -     The make up ideas 
            -      The costume ideas 
            -       Other _________

  • What would make the narrative / plot of my film better? 

  • What would help make my film more engaging and better suited to my genre? (my genre is a slasher horror)

I am using Survey Monkey to ask my audience my questions. I will be asking five people my questions.

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