Thursday 15 October 2015

Final Narrative

At the start of the story, the story is in its equilibrium stage and everything is happy. The film will show a young girl named Eden with her parents Tracy and Jonathan. Eden will be on a swing being pushed by her father. This scene will also show Eden playing with her parents, she will be playing hide and seek and Eden and her parents will be chasing each other and skipping. This will show Eden's relationship with her family before the 'incident' and before her fathers death.  The next scene shows Eden's parents arguing, Eden starts crying and Eden's father punches Eden calling her weak. The scene then shows Eden as a teenager with a changed personality. Eden is a teenager who enjoys rock music and likes dark things. Eden bottles up her emotions and hides her feelings so that she can't be called weak again. One night Eden's dad is on his way home from work and is involved in a car crash. Eden's mum explains what has happened to Eden's father to Eden. Eden's mum is shocked by Eden's reaction as Eden does not show an emotion whatsoever and carry on with life. Eden does not want to show emotion and disappoint her dad by being 'weak' and showing weakness. Soon after this, Eden's mental health deteriors and Eden starts losing time in her dyad not knowing what has happened during these time periods. This worries Eden. Eden's mental health takes a sinister turn when she wakes up in a forrest covered in blood with no recognition of how she got there or what has happened. Every time Eden wakes up with no idea where she is or what ha happened to her, she seems to have a new possession such as a necklace, a phone, a purse or a watch. The next scene shows the moments before this happened and why Eden has ended up in the forrest. The scenes show Eden's mum arranging a sleepover between Eden and her friends daughter and the daughter's friends. Eden's mum does this as she sees Eden as an outcast and she wants Eden to make friends with these girls.  At this sleepover, Eden watches her first horror movie which interests Eden and triggers Eden's mental health illnesses.  Eden's mental health illnesses are schizophrenia and a personality disorder. After the film, the girls play a game and use this game as an excuse to tease and humiliate Eden. Eden gets angry and goes to the kitchen, finds a knife and murders all of the girls except one 'final girl'. The scene then goes back to the scene of Eden lying in a forrest covered in blood, Eden then sits up and sees the 'final girl' standing in front of her holding a knife. The 'final girl' then kills Eden. The 'final girl' kills Eden out of an act of revenge and rage as Eden killed all of her friends.

Me and my team member Beth - Anne have looked at both of our ideas and we have decided to combine ideas and conventions from both of our narratives. Our film genre will be a horror film however, our main sub - genre will be a psychological horror. However, we have added aspects and conventions of a slasher horror which was my sub - genre into our film. The conventions we have used from a slasher film are the group of teenage friends, the murder victims get killed with a knife, the characters get killed one by one, there is a 'final girl' and the 'final girl' kills the murderer.

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