Tuesday 16 June 2015

Script and order of scenes for my trailer

Script and order of scenes for my trailer
  • + Ratings green screen

  • Elly walks into forrest at night on the phone - "My phones stopped working,ill face time you"
  • Title fades into dead end
  • Inter title  - Ever feel like somebody's watching you?
  • Low over the shoulder shot over Leah's shoulder watching Elly walk - Leah's still - Ellys walking
  • Tracking shot following Leah - After Leah stays still for a while she starts walking after Elly - tracking shot shows Leah walking after Elly
  • Fade 
  • Sound effect - Rustling.Elly hears a rustling noise and Elly turns round slightly to see what it is and starts heavy breathing because she gets scared
  • Over the shoulder shot of Elly looking at Leah after she turns around.Leah is far away.Long shot of Leah.Leah stands there looking at Elly holding a doll
  • Fade
  • Hand held point of view shot from Elly.Elly is running towards the playground.Elly is heavy breathing as she is terrified
  • Fade
  • Inter title - what if there was no escape?
  • Fade
  • Establishing shot of the forrest
  • Fade or jump cut
  • Mid shot of Elly.Mid shot shows Ellys emotion because she cant escape.Elly will look terrified.
  • Camera flips to point of view shot of Elly looking at Leah
  • Elly sees Leah getting closer to her. Elly backs away,trips over and drops her phone
  • Beth-Anne when Elly drops her phone - speaking to Elly - "Elly whats wrong? are you ok?!"
  • Fade
  • Low angle shot or point of view shot of Leah looking down at Elly.
  •  + Blackout/Fade.Old record player glitch sound effect.Music stops.Scream sound effect
  • Blackout ends,light back on.High angle shot of Elly dead on the floor - wearing fake blood.
  • Jump Cut
  • Camera is on the floor looking up - low angle shot.Camera will mimics the phones camera (face time)
  • Leah looks down into the camera and breaks the fourth wall by looking into the camera lens.
  • Beth-Anne gets scared looking at Leah looking in the camera.
  • Beth-Anne to Leah - "Who are you? wheres Elly?" - Beth-Anne is heavy breathing 
  • Camera is still on Leah,Beth-Anne's voice is in the background.
  • Leah is still staring into the camera,after hearing Beth scared,Leah tilts head and does a sinister smile 
  • Fade
  • Institutional information and social media links such as websites,hashtags,twitter usernames and Facebook page links.
  • Inter tile - Shes watching you
  • End scene "Dead End coming to a cinema near you the 10th July 2016"
+ - + marks when the music starts and finishes.

Monday 15 June 2015

Costumes,props and makeup

Leah - Old fashioned white dress
Elly - Casual teenage clothes
Beth-Anne - Casual teenage clothes

Props -
Elly + Beth-Anne - phone
Leah - doll

Makeup -
Leah - Creepy doll makeup
Elly - Normal makeup
Beth - Anne - Normal makeup

Soundtrack and sound effects in my trailer

Soundtrack and sound effects in my trailer - 

Soundtrack - Horror movie music

Sound Effects   - Girl's scream (used before Elly's death)
                          -  Bang or thud noise (used when Elly trips over)
                          - Rustling leaves (used after Elly ends her phone call,just before Elly turns round)
                          - Bang noise (used when Elly sees Leah looking over her)

Actors in my trailer

Actors in my trailer - 

Leah Arkell - Murderer

Elly Hemus - Teenage girl 1 (Victim) - playing herself - name Elly

Beth-Anne Horton - Teenage girl 2 (girl on face time) - playing herself - name Beth-Anne

The makeup I will be using on my actor Elly Hemus will be a casual makeup look on Elly that an average teenager would wear daily.Later in the trailer,Elly will have fake blood around her neck and on her face.

The  makeup I will be using on my actor Leah Arkell will be a 'broken doll' makeup look.Leah's makeup look will include very pale or white face makeup,red lips applied in a 'doll lips' shape.Leah's makeup look will also include makeup applied to look like Leah has a crack in her face and Leah will also wear fake eyelashes to make her eyes appear larger and more doll - like.Leah will also be wearing fake blood on her neck and hands.

The costume my actor Elly Hemus will be wearing a casual outfit that an average teenager would wear such as a vest,jeans and trainers or boots.

The costume my actor Leah Arkell will be wearing will be a doll - like dress and frilly socks.Leah will be wearing this outfit as she is supposed to be dressing up as an old fashioned doll and this is a type of outfit an old fashioned doll would be wearing.

The props my actors will have will be a mobile phone and a destroyed teddy bear.The prop Elly will be a mobile phone as in part of the trailer,Elly will be on the phone to her friend.The prop Leah will have will be the destroyed teddy bear.Leah will have a destroyed teddy bear because Leah's character is trying to dress up a little girl doll.The teddy bear represents Leah being young.The teddy bear is destroyed and covered in blood to show that Leah is evil and has murdered people before.The bear is a connotation of what Leah has done to people.

Leah's hair will also be in two ponytails as this is a hairstyle usually associated with young girls and as Leah's character is young,the hairstyle represents Leah being young and shows that Leah is young and has a young mentality.

I chose Leah and Elly to be my actors because Leah and Elly are good actor's and have both taken drama in the past so I thought they would be able to act well in my trailer.I also chose Leah and Elly to be my actors because Leah and Elly fit the idea of my characters well. Elly fits the idea of the teenage girl as Elly has a casual look that you would expect teenagers to look like in movies and Elly's attitude and personality fits the stereotypical teenager you see in movies. Leah fits the idea of the murderer as Leah's look fits the doll like look.Leah has long hair and most doll's have long hair therefore she suited being a doll character.Leah can also be very serious therefore she also suited being a murderous role as murderers in films are usually very serious.

Here are some pictures of my actors from filming the trailer.These pictures show the outfit's and makeup used on the actors in the trailer :


Shot List I'm using in my trailer

Shot list in order - 

In my shot's,I will be using Leah Arkell and Elly Hemus as my actor's in my trailer meaning Leah Arkell and Elly Hemus will be featured in my shot's.

Low over the shoulder shot -  This shot will be an over the shoulder style shot however,the shot will be taken from a low angle so it will show Leah's hand holding the teddy bear rather than show over Leah's shoulder.This shot will show Elly walking and Leah watching Elly walk.

Tracking shot
- This shot is a tracking shot and this shot shows Leah following Elly.At the end of this shot,Elly will start to turn around after hearing a noise behind her and Elly will see Leah.

Reverse over the shoulder shot - This shot is an over the shoulder shot.This means that the camera will show an over the shoulder type shot however,it is a reverse over the shoulder shot as it shows a shot over the front of the actors shoulder rather than behind the actors shoulder. This shot shows Elly hearing a rustling noise behind her and Elly looks behind her to see Leah standing behind her watching her.

Hand held point of view shot - This shot is a hand held point of view shot.This shot will be a point of view shot showing a shot from Elly's point of view but the shot will also be hand held so that the shot looks more shaky and not focused and still to show Elly's fear.This shot will show Elly looking at Leah from Elly's point of view and shows Leah walking towards Elly.

Point of view mid shot -
This shot is a point of view mid shot.This shot will show a mid shot of Leah and the camera shot will be from Elly's point of view.This shot will show Leah close up to Elly and Leah getting to closer to Elly by walking towards Elly. This will jump cut from the hand held point of view shot to this shot.

point of view tracking shot -
This shot will be a point of view tracking shot.As this shot is a tracking shot,the shot will follow where a particular actor goes.In this shot,the tracking shot will be showing where Elly goes.As the shot is also a point of view shot,the shot will be shot through Elly's point of view.This shot will show where Elly is running  to and show the forest floor.In this shot Elly will be running away from Leah.

Low angle shot -
This shot will be a low angle shot.In this shot,the camera will be floor for this shot.In this shot,the camera will be on the floor looking upwards and Leah will start to notice the camera on the floor.Leah will then start to pick up the camera and pull it up to her face.

Low angle close up shot -
This shot will be a low angle close up shot.In this shot Leah will be still pulling the camera up to her face however,the camera will nearly be at her face.This shot will also show Leah starting to look into the camera.

Close up - This shot will be the shot when Leah is looking into the camera and the cameras is at Leah's face.In this shot,Leah will be stare into the camera for a while then smile while looking into the camera.I am using a close up shot of Leah as I want to show the Leah is wearing.

Thursday 11 June 2015

How to setup a tripod and a camera

  • Spread the tripod legs
  • Adjust the length of the tripod legs by opening the tensioners on the legs to desired height,there are two tensioners on each leg.
  •  Adjust the pan/tilt to desired angle,
  • Loosen the screw underneath the tripod head to adjust the tripod head where the camera is placed.Once you have adjusted the tripod head,screw the screw back into place tightly so it stays at this height.
  • You will need a shoe mount to connect your camera to your tripod.The shoe mount belongs on top of the tripod head and another shoe mount connects to the bottom of the camera.These two shoe mounts screw together when the two shoe mounts are connected.Position and screw the plates to your desired position
  • Adjust your pan and tilt positions if needed and use pan and tilt locks if needed.
  • Turn camera on and check the framing and height,adjust if needed.

Monday 8 June 2015

Conventions of a film trailer

After researching movie trailers I have identified the codes and conventions of a movie trailer:
  • Certification
  • Variety of camera shots and camera angles
  • Ratings and reviews
  • Institutional information
  • Soundtrack 
  • Sound effects
  • Editing - cuts etc.
  • Social media links
  • Text - Intertitles etc.
  • Voice over
  • Character introductions
  • Overview of story line
  • Establishes genre of film