Tuesday 16 June 2015

Script and order of scenes for my trailer

Script and order of scenes for my trailer
  • + Ratings green screen

  • Elly walks into forrest at night on the phone - "My phones stopped working,ill face time you"
  • Title fades into dead end
  • Inter title  - Ever feel like somebody's watching you?
  • Low over the shoulder shot over Leah's shoulder watching Elly walk - Leah's still - Ellys walking
  • Tracking shot following Leah - After Leah stays still for a while she starts walking after Elly - tracking shot shows Leah walking after Elly
  • Fade 
  • Sound effect - Rustling.Elly hears a rustling noise and Elly turns round slightly to see what it is and starts heavy breathing because she gets scared
  • Over the shoulder shot of Elly looking at Leah after she turns around.Leah is far away.Long shot of Leah.Leah stands there looking at Elly holding a doll
  • Fade
  • Hand held point of view shot from Elly.Elly is running towards the playground.Elly is heavy breathing as she is terrified
  • Fade
  • Inter title - what if there was no escape?
  • Fade
  • Establishing shot of the forrest
  • Fade or jump cut
  • Mid shot of Elly.Mid shot shows Ellys emotion because she cant escape.Elly will look terrified.
  • Camera flips to point of view shot of Elly looking at Leah
  • Elly sees Leah getting closer to her. Elly backs away,trips over and drops her phone
  • Beth-Anne when Elly drops her phone - speaking to Elly - "Elly whats wrong? are you ok?!"
  • Fade
  • Low angle shot or point of view shot of Leah looking down at Elly.
  •  + Blackout/Fade.Old record player glitch sound effect.Music stops.Scream sound effect
  • Blackout ends,light back on.High angle shot of Elly dead on the floor - wearing fake blood.
  • Jump Cut
  • Camera is on the floor looking up - low angle shot.Camera will mimics the phones camera (face time)
  • Leah looks down into the camera and breaks the fourth wall by looking into the camera lens.
  • Beth-Anne gets scared looking at Leah looking in the camera.
  • Beth-Anne to Leah - "Who are you? wheres Elly?" - Beth-Anne is heavy breathing 
  • Camera is still on Leah,Beth-Anne's voice is in the background.
  • Leah is still staring into the camera,after hearing Beth scared,Leah tilts head and does a sinister smile 
  • Fade
  • Institutional information and social media links such as websites,hashtags,twitter usernames and Facebook page links.
  • Inter tile - Shes watching you
  • End scene "Dead End coming to a cinema near you the 10th July 2016"
+ - + marks when the music starts and finishes.

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