Monday 15 June 2015

Shot List I'm using in my trailer

Shot list in order - 

In my shot's,I will be using Leah Arkell and Elly Hemus as my actor's in my trailer meaning Leah Arkell and Elly Hemus will be featured in my shot's.

Low over the shoulder shot -  This shot will be an over the shoulder style shot however,the shot will be taken from a low angle so it will show Leah's hand holding the teddy bear rather than show over Leah's shoulder.This shot will show Elly walking and Leah watching Elly walk.

Tracking shot
- This shot is a tracking shot and this shot shows Leah following Elly.At the end of this shot,Elly will start to turn around after hearing a noise behind her and Elly will see Leah.

Reverse over the shoulder shot - This shot is an over the shoulder shot.This means that the camera will show an over the shoulder type shot however,it is a reverse over the shoulder shot as it shows a shot over the front of the actors shoulder rather than behind the actors shoulder. This shot shows Elly hearing a rustling noise behind her and Elly looks behind her to see Leah standing behind her watching her.

Hand held point of view shot - This shot is a hand held point of view shot.This shot will be a point of view shot showing a shot from Elly's point of view but the shot will also be hand held so that the shot looks more shaky and not focused and still to show Elly's fear.This shot will show Elly looking at Leah from Elly's point of view and shows Leah walking towards Elly.

Point of view mid shot -
This shot is a point of view mid shot.This shot will show a mid shot of Leah and the camera shot will be from Elly's point of view.This shot will show Leah close up to Elly and Leah getting to closer to Elly by walking towards Elly. This will jump cut from the hand held point of view shot to this shot.

point of view tracking shot -
This shot will be a point of view tracking shot.As this shot is a tracking shot,the shot will follow where a particular actor goes.In this shot,the tracking shot will be showing where Elly goes.As the shot is also a point of view shot,the shot will be shot through Elly's point of view.This shot will show where Elly is running  to and show the forest floor.In this shot Elly will be running away from Leah.

Low angle shot -
This shot will be a low angle shot.In this shot,the camera will be floor for this shot.In this shot,the camera will be on the floor looking upwards and Leah will start to notice the camera on the floor.Leah will then start to pick up the camera and pull it up to her face.

Low angle close up shot -
This shot will be a low angle close up shot.In this shot Leah will be still pulling the camera up to her face however,the camera will nearly be at her face.This shot will also show Leah starting to look into the camera.

Close up - This shot will be the shot when Leah is looking into the camera and the cameras is at Leah's face.In this shot,Leah will be stare into the camera for a while then smile while looking into the camera.I am using a close up shot of Leah as I want to show the Leah is wearing.

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